name Einorion ------ age 150
(appears 25)
Gender Male DATE OF BIRTH ----- PLACE OF BIRTH word species Dragon (Silver) status word occupation word height 6'2" words words sexuality Heterosexual Family words lines

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porttitor feugiat congue. Maecenas venenatis non nunc vitae feugiat. Nullam turpis massa, ullamcorper nec orci at, cursus finibus nulla. Proin ac ex eu est facilisis blandit. Curabitur ut iaculis sem. Quisque ut consectetur lectus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec feugiat bibendum ligula nec semper.

Integer a commodo augue, sed vestibulum odio. Vestibulum posuere ac velit at molestie. Aenean sagittis varius dapibus. Etiam non ligula feugiat, blandit ipsum quis, lacinia mi. Integer lobortis sem ut enim efficitur porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer a justo tincidunt, tempor eros sit amet, vestibulum urna. Etiam molestie dui eget nulla hendrerit tristique.

Morbi id interdum ipsum. Aliquam eu nulla a ipsum eleifend tempor. Morbi at ultricies elit, et volutpat lectus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean malesuada commodo dolor at lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Integer congue magna nec orci feugiat congue. Fusce vitae enim sit amet tortor vulputate volutpat. Vestibulum fringilla lectus eget mi ornare imperdiet. Cras quam odio, volutpat sollicitudin blandit id, mollis ac dui. Aliquam pellentesque ex vel ex iaculis, a porta quam tincidunt. Quisque eleifend non nunc vitae pharetra. Etiam quis aliquet nunc. Donec at tempus turpis, quis aliquam tellus. Nam ac neque sem. Phasellus placerat quis odio nec lacinia.

Nullam id dictum ante, at tempus turpis. Suspendisse varius mi non quam ornare, et iaculis metus placerat. Phasellus leo ipsum, posuere a consectetur ac, efficitur vel velit. Nunc posuere luctus mattis. Pellentesque eu urna molestie, convallis urna at, rhoncus nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam efficitur mi eget lacinia gravida. Mauris nisl augue, lacinia eget ex vitae, mattis cursus purus.

Proin vitae turpis accumsan, volutpat dolor a, dapibus sapien. Praesent fringilla eu lectus sit amet blandit. Sed feugiat, ex at porttitor euismod, odio nunc accumsan arcu, id commodo mauris nisl et lectus. Phasellus aliquet rutrum congue. Vestibulum commodo quam id leo ultrices, at volutpat ante aliquam. Praesent facilisis purus sit amet diam congue, quis scelerisque massa consectetur. In venenatis libero purus, vitae ornare urna vulputate in. In vitae massa neque.

HUMAN: Upon first seeing Eirik, one would immediately take note of his hair. Flowing, long, blond locks; something that he takes a great deal of pride in. Accompanied by a fair complexion and eyes that take on a bluish-green hue. Depending upon both lighting and clothing choice. His features are sharp; defined cheekbones and a strong jawline. All of which is topped off by his stature – being around six-foot-two. He is proud, arrogantly so – thinking highly of his appearance.

His wardrobe can vary, depending upon what the circumstance requires. Jeans and a shirt; topped off by a leather jacket when the weather is cold. Likewise, he keeps his jewelry to a minimum. A chain or a ring is the most you’ll see adorning him. When needed, he can go from business casual to a suit and tie. Not that many situations pop up that require such. Eirik feels that he looks good regardless of what he wears.

DRAGON: As a Silver Dragon, Eirik’s true form is as beautiful as it is fearsome. Spanning the size of about thirty meters; saying that he is large is an understatement. Regardless, the dragon has reached the pinnacle of his stature. With pale, icy blue eyes accompanied by solid, silvery scales. This natural armor wields a reflective quality when the light hits him just right. Without a doubt, there is no real question on what breed of dragon Eirik happens to be. Finally, deadly claws and razor sharp teeth are only overshadowed by his wingspan. Giving the male an overall appearance that is as formidable as it mesmerizing.

As a Silver Dragon, Eirik’s abilities lean towards colder aspects. His breath is that of frost; a trait shared alongside their White Dragon counterparts. Likewise, there is the high resistance to Fae magic as well as the Merfolk’s Siren Song. While he isn’t exactly immune to damage; Eirik’s silvery scales offer a natural form of armory; helping to guard against blows that might otherwise harm him in human form. For what he lacks in said humanoid form? The man more than makes up for in his true form due to size, strength, and skill. Lastly, if things get too dire? There is always the fact that he CAN fly away from said situation. Which is an obvious given, since he is a giant, winged beast.

Outside of the dragon species bonuses? Eirik wields a few personal skills of his own. He is an artist, a painter – having spent countless periods of his life helping to perfect that talent. The man also keeps a sketchpad; where he often draws whatever comes to mind. From his everyday surroundings, to those that have come and gone throughout his life. It’s a way to vent out some of that inner turmoil; as well as to express inner longings. After all, art is another means of showing emotions. He often prefers spending his time doing that, rather than fighting. Even if he is capable of holding his own in battle, such facts don’t require a constant show of strength or skill.

weaknesses As a Dragon, Eirik’s biggest weakness is that of his humanoid form. Possessing no real outright added endurances or abilities; he is as easily slain as a mere human. Which, when it comes to an actual altercation? It is often best that he switch out of said form. This isn’t always possible, especially when confined in smaller areas. And, even then? Eirik's true form doesn’t represent a definite victory. There is always the possibility that his opponent might find a way to pierce the vulnerable area in his scaly armor. That can be found along his lower abdomen, slightly off-centered towards his left hip. Finally, there is his size in his dragon form. Given how large he is? Such a form isn’t exactly ideal when it comes to ‘sneak attacks’. Thus, limiting him to his humanoid form for anything which may take stealth. After all, who isn’t going to see something the side of a building casually sneaking up on them?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porttitor feugiat congue. Maecenas venenatis non nunc vitae feugiat. Nullam turpis massa, ullamcorper nec orci at, cursus finibus nulla. Proin ac ex eu est facilisis blandit. Curabitur ut iaculis sem. Quisque ut consectetur lectus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec feugiat bibendum ligula nec semper.

Integer a commodo augue, sed vestibulum odio. Vestibulum posuere ac velit at molestie. Aenean sagittis varius dapibus. Etiam non ligula feugiat, blandit ipsum quis, lacinia mi. Integer lobortis sem ut enim efficitur porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer a justo tincidunt, tempor eros sit amet, vestibulum urna. Etiam molestie dui eget nulla hendrerit tristique.

Morbi id interdum ipsum. Aliquam eu nulla a ipsum eleifend tempor. Morbi at ultricies elit, et volutpat lectus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean malesuada commodo dolor at lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Integer congue magna nec orci feugiat congue. Fusce vitae enim sit amet tortor vulputate volutpat. Vestibulum fringilla lectus eget mi ornare imperdiet. Cras quam odio, volutpat sollicitudin blandit id, mollis ac dui. Aliquam pellentesque ex vel ex iaculis, a porta quam tincidunt. Quisque eleifend non nunc vitae pharetra. Etiam quis aliquet nunc. Donec at tempus turpis, quis aliquam tellus. Nam ac neque sem. Phasellus placerat quis odio nec lacinia.

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