City Guide

The city of Airialan has both a specific appearance and its own means of keeping itself running. For better or worse, all beings belonging to the city have their own way of working together to survive. Below you'll find more information about Airialan and the methods on which it thrives.


Airialan - the home of the Elves, a lingering gem from a time long passed. A city founded by the immortal beings in an era when their species held a higher population. Since then, time has both diminished their numbers and forced them to adjust their ways in order to survive. Currently, Airialan has a very specific layout. Upon approaching its location, one would immediately take note of the Sentinel Forest - something that spans for miles outside the gates. Working as both a deterrent and the first form of protection; the forest is a sight that will turn away even the bravest of souls. Mainly, that being in regards the fact that it is technically an Elven cemetery. However, if one was to get past these lands - they would come upon the opalescent walls that surround Airialan. The massive city is highly protected by them; through sheer size and the fact they are laced with ancient Elven barrier magic. Despite the overwhelming size of the circular layout of the city; the grounds maintains one main entrance. These gates are always maintained by the guards; though some of these individuals can sometimes be bought - if one knows just how to go about this.

Inside the walls, the city is divided amongst the various species that dwell within. As it is in a circular shape, the districts are within a ring like shape - all of which eventually lead to the center of the grounds; the Elven Palace. The first ring and closest to the gate is home to the humans and its streets are often patrolled by guards of that species. The second ring belongs to that of the Dwarves; which also upholds its own patrol. The third ring is one in which belongs to both the Elves and the Faeries. This district is the one that is outside the Palace - being that this houses Airialan’s Rí ruirech and his immediate family and colleagues. Finally, the main street of the city - the one leading from the gate and down all the districts towards the palace; is where one would find the marketplace. This path was not always intended to be used as such, though is obviously the ideal location for shops.

Though this city has been open to outsiders for the last four centuries, it is only in the last three years that foreigners have started to come in droves. These refugees are fleeing the troubled tides of war and ruin which have proven to plague the lands. While the area within the city is vast, it is slowly beginning to fill towards it brim. In time, the gates may close to those who do not already call Airialan home - no matter how much its leader wishes to keep it open.

Political Structure

The Elves
While their ruling body is technically a monarch where the city and its inhabitants are concerned, the Rí ruirech was elected several centuries ago by his fellow Elven nobles. This has been the fashion of Elven politics since the birth of the ageless species. His/her immediate family will also be raised up within the social structure of the Elven Society. While the spouse of the Rí ruirech is by default made the main advisor, he or she is also viewed as Consort - though is given no formal title of their own outside of this. Any children of such a couple are viewed much like Princes and Princesses; though their title is also non-existent outside of noble acknowledgement of their higher placement.

Though the office of Rí ruirech is more or less a permanent one; an unanimous decision by the Nobles who voted him/her there would be needed to hoist the current leader out of office. Typically, there are easier ways - such as assassination - to have this done. Therefore, it is safe to say that the height of the Elven political structure is a very dangerous place to be. Of course, it is not without its perks - and a wise Rí ruirech would be able to rule for centuries upon centuries completely unhindered. That isn't to say that the Rí ruirech rules upon his/her own. The other Elven Nobles hold a lot of sway with their power to vote upon any subject given to them for review. While popular opinion may matter highly on many ideals, the Rí ruirech will have final say on all such matters which s/he puts before the Elven Council.

Upon opening the city of Airialan to other species outside of Elves and Faeries, the current Rí ruirech felt it necessary to allow said new additions to voice their own opinions where political matters within the city were involved. Thus, he formed the Citizens' Council...

Known Species in the City
Each known species in the city will have an elected official representing their individual outlooks where politics are concerned. These are called 'rí tuaithe' by the Elven Nobles; and are most likely known to all of their people for their position of political voice. While the Dwarves held an election to select their representative, Faeries pushed forward the least hesitant to speak. The human council member was chosen by the one who preceded him in the placement.

These representatives are welcomed to approach the Rí ruirech individually, at any time, with any concerns which may arise for their people within the city. Likewise, there will be councils held by the Rí ruirech where each species leader will be expected to appear. Though most Elven Nobles will be excluded from these meetings, it is safe to say that they do not go unattended by interested parties on some level or another. Of course, there is a great deal of responsibility where such figures are involved.

Each 'rí tuaithe' is held accountable for their own species grouping within the city. They are expected to uphold the laws of the city by way of keeping order and giving forth punishment where it is needed. Furthermore, while each 'rí tuaithe' is allowed comfortable housing arrangements by the Rí ruirech, their final decision upon dwelling situations are left up to them.

Crime and Punishment
Civilization wouldn't be thus called without laws. This means that there will be those who like to break said rules when they find them in place. While it is safe to say that trials are swift - they are also as fair as possible. However, there is no 'innocent until proven guilty'; it is typically the other way around where most individuals of the city are concerned.

All criminals will be given over to the Rí ruirech, unless the appointed 'rí tuaithe' wishes to invoke their own right to try their kindred. Despite who handles the proceedings, there is only one prison in Airialan - and every inmate will be treated with the same detached but attentive fashion, no matter their species or background. This even includes criminals of Elven lineage.