
With the world being as vast and vibrant in the span of species which co-mingle, there is always an assurance that there will be hybrids. While there are few exceptions, most Species are able to crossbreed with other societies outside of their own. This exception lays with the Dragons.

Due to the fashion in which they are born, Dragon males are unable to breed outside of their own species in view of the growth patterns of a Draconian fetus. If a female of any other creature type outside of the Dragons were to become pregnant by such a male, she would not survive past the initial three months of her pregnancy. Why? Dragon genetics would engulf those of her own people, rendering the fetus purely Draconian. Due to the fact that Dragons are born in their true form, and not their human form? The Mother's womb would - after reaching such a stage of development with her child - basically explode from the pressure and sheer size of the baby growing within her. It would lead to death for both Mother and Child.

A female Dragon would be able to carry a hybrid child to term, though would end up killing them in the Nest due to being weaker than other such offspring to be found. This being stated, we will not be accepting Dragon Hybrids of any type in this game, and will not expect nor accept any females to carry a Draconian Child to term.

Likewise, the Dream Wraiths also have very dominant genes, though not with such devastating outcomes for females outside of their own species. Instead, there are basically no Dream Wraith hybrids due to the fact that their DNA will overcome that of the other species in the mix - and the baby will simply be a Dream Wraith with a small helping of outside genetics.

Aside from these two factors, most Species will co-create without many troubles.

The following are the most frequent mixes which may be found throughout the world:


The following will be extremely rare, and limited in numbers for writers to claim:


Magic & Hybrids

Magic tends to thin out considerably as certain species breed together. For instance, if a human bred with an Elf and then that hybrid bred with another human? There would be only a Human level of magic in that third generation.

In some circumstances, however - like with Dwarves breeding with Elves or Faeries? There would be some magical signature, though it would be remarkably more faint due to the Dwarven blood involved.

Thus, magic within each mix should be as follows:

Human/Dwarf - no magic.

Faerie/Dwarf - Beast Speak & Healing, though on lower intervals.

Elf/Dwarf - Common Magic & Extended life; lower intervals also expected.

Faerie/Human - Beast Speak & Healing; medium intervals. One other common magic, depending upon if Human parent was a mage. (Minus Necromancy)

Elf/Human - Common Magic & Extended life; medium intervals. (CM includes Necromancy & all details of it, if Human parent was a mage)

Faerie/Elf - Beast Speak & Healing; higher intervals. Common magic more frequently found.

Religion & Hybrids:

While many religions are welcoming to Hybrids, others are not so inclusive of them. Depending upon how the individual is raised and the outlooks of the parental groups - a hybrid could have many different religious aspects going in to their background. We encourage and expect all writers to take note of the different structures of their character's genetic groups up to and including religion, as previous statements towards Hybrids has been made in each species group which they might stem from.